You may be asking yourself, "what is a bone hook?" The Maori legend says that a great fisherman, Maui (not from Frozen), caught a massive fish with nothing more than twine and a hook made out of jawbone. Now, you might be asking yourself, "why Bone Hook Media?" To be honest, when I came up with the name, I was thought it was cool and I used to wear a hook necklace myself (when I thought surfing was something I could do (picture below)).

The cool thing about hooks is that they are primarily used to catch fish (or something). Bone Hook Media wants to catch your client. More than that, we want to hook your clients to be more than just clients. We want your clients to become your ambassadors and feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Honestly, part of cultivating that relationship is by investing in your business and creating content that your customer/client can see and consume easily. We are, essentially, the best friend that helps you prep for a hot date.
We know that running a business is hard enough without trying to tackle the things you don't have time for or don't enjoy doing. We want to be an extension of who you are, learn your voice and help your pain points. We believe you deserve maximum engagement without compromising who you are. What does that mean? It simply means that we believe you deserve to be seen for who you are and what you do. Bone Hook Media helps you be seen by creating media that creates a consistent and clear message to your audience that is inline with your brand. We do this through quality video content. We just had a client text and tell us this: "Just a quick note that I met a couple at an open house and then they lost my contact info. They were randomly searching "for sale Carmel IN" and one of our YouTube videos popped up, they got my info, and we are working together now-- thank you for helping me get my business out there in a professional and value-add method!!!!"
We would be lying if we said, "we aren't in this for the money." Obviously, we have to survive. But, what we truly enjoy is working alongside a brand to put them in the limelight. If you are ready to elevate your brand, let's talk!!